Guess Questions Summative Assessment -II(2012-13) SET-01[FM=30] 1. Define 1 kWh.[1] 2. In an oscillating pendulum, at what positions the potential and kinetic energy are maximum ?[1] 3. A piece of stone is tied at one end of a rubber string and holding from other end, it is allowed to immerse partially then fully into water. What difference if any, you will observe, and why ?[2] 4. Differentiate between low and high pitch sound using neat and labeled diagram.[2] 5.An object of 40N weight when immersed in water losses 10N weight. Will the object float or sink why? [2] 6. What does acronym SONAR stand for ? What type of wave does it use?Write any two uses of SONAR. [3] 7. An object is made to fall from different heights 20cm, 40cm and 60cm on a wet sand.(a) What do you observe on the sand ? (b)Explain the reasons of the observations. [3] 8.A sound wave has a frequency of 5000Hz. and wavelength of 20cm. How long will it take to travel 1 km ? [3] 9. What do you mean by work ? ...